

I've been trying to devote all of my time to working on the flower book, and it is only working some of the time. I was able to finish the bunny page (see below), and then I excitedly started a new page, a page that has probably the most potential out of the entire book for a really awesome illustration.

Unfortunately I got really far into it before realizing it was just not working. I thought that if I just kept going it would eventually morph into what I wanted, but it was doomed from the start. So I have scrapped that page, and will get back to it after a LOT of thumbnails and sketching.

Here is the finished bunny page:

Because of the recent flower book frustration, I decided to do something different today. When I first left my job I planned to sketch in at least 3 different places every week, and fill up a sketchbook a month. Well, my first month is over and I have added only a few pages to my sketchbook, and I have only drawn in my office and backyard.

Today I hopped on the subway for an hour and drew a lot of people (who I don't think were very happy about it). I am now working on colouring a collage of the different faces I saw with a limited colour palette of turquoise, coral, and yellow.

This is what I have so far.

I also now have my website up and running - here

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